
Customer Service


Course ID: BS-10039

Duration (Days): 1.0

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This course explores customer interaction techniques for customer service representatives, emphasizing the importance of delivering quality care to both external consumers and internal employees. Participants learn to provide consistent, positive experiences, enhance problem-solving skills, and contribute to business success.
In the realm of customer service, the ability to handle interactions effectively is paramount to the success of both the company and the customer experience. This course delves into the background and techniques of customer interactions, equipping participants, particularly customer service representatives, with the skills necessary to excel in this critical role. Whether dealing with external consumers or internal employees from other departments, participants learn the importance of providing consistent, high-quality service to all customers. By establishing positive business relationships through every interaction, participants contribute to fostering a culture of trust and satisfaction.

Course Outline

##### Module 1 - Understanding Customer Service - Describe Customer Service Benefits - Recognize the Importance of Internal Customer Service - Identify How Customer Service Benefits You - Excel with Customer Service ##### Module 2 - Identifying How Customers Define the Success of Your Company - Recognize Trends in Customer Service - Identify Criteria for Customer Satisfaction ##### Module 3 - Increasing Customer Satisfaction - Identify Characteristics of the Personal Touch - Create Lasting Positive Impressions on Your Customers ##### Module 4 - Providing Face-to-Face Customer Service - Identify Categories of Face-to-Face Contact - Understand the Critical Success Factors in Face-to-Face Customer Service - Identify the Characteristics of Active Listening ##### Module 5 - Providing Remote Customer Service - Identify Remote Customer Service Communication Channels - Apply Remote Customer Service Best Practices ##### Module 6 - Engaging Difficult Customers - Serve Difficult Customers - Manage Angry Customers - Deal with Difficult or Unhelpful Colleagues ##### Module 7 - Increasing Customer Loyalty - Optimize Moments of Truth - Recognize the Value of Customer Complaints - Identify the Stages of the Service Recovery Process